For Spouse

      • Dear, you gave me the best life. Rest peacefully
      • You were the best husband/wife. I love you and I miss yo
      • 上半联:夫君一路走好   下半联:妻xxx痛挽
      • 上半联:爱妻一路走好   下半联:夫xxx痛挽
      • 痛失至爱
      • 永远爱你

For Parent

      • Mum/Dad, you gave me the best life. Rest peacefully
      • You were the best mum/dad anyone could wish for. I love you and I miss you
      • Love you mum/dad
      • For a wonderful mum/dad, thank you for your endless love and kindness
      • 我们永远怀念您
      • 我们永远爱您
      • 一路走好
      • 永念亲恩
      • 慈恩永在
      • 慈怀典范
      • 音容宛在
      • 永在心中
      • 风范永存
      • 遗爱千秋
      • 难忘手泽
      • 永忆天伦
      • 亲爱的奶奶, 我们永远怀念您      长孙xxx携重孙辈叩挽
      • 敬愛的母親/父親大人千古
      • 沉痛哀悼慈母XXX孺人逝世
      • 沉痛哀悼严父XXX大人逝世

For Sibling

      • You were my strength in good times and bad. Thank you for everything
      • Brother/Sister, you are loved dearly
      • You were my best friend. I will miss you everyday
      • Time and time again, you showed me how to live. Love you so much

For a friend

      1.  To the deceased
      • Gone but never forgotten
      • You will be sorely missed
      • Our thoughts go out to you
      • In loving memory
      • Rest in peace
      • Always in my heart
      • Treasured memories
      • Forever in our thoughts
      • May you rest in peace
      • With love and fond memories
      • Time may pass and fade away but memories of you will always stay
      • May you rest in peace.  Our thoughts are with your family and loved one.
      • 沉痛悼念XXX先生
      • XXX先生千古
      • 驾返瑶池
      • 福寿全归
      • 德高望重
      • 往生极乐
      • 永垂不朽
      • 慈暉永昭
      • 懿範永存
      • 音容宛在
      • 永在心中
      • 风范永存
      • 遗爱千秋
      • 音容已杳
      • 德泽犹存
      • 【基督教挽幛吊唁词】
        睡主怀中、耶稣是主、与主偕行、与主永偕、 蒙主恩加、 释劳归主、蒙主宠召、永息主怀

2. To the family of the decease

      • With deepest condolences (on the demise of your beloved ……..)
      • Our heartfelt sympathy for your loss.
      • We are so sorry for your loss
      • Our family is keeping your family in our thoughts and prayers
      • Thinking of you in these difficult times
      • Our hearts go out to you and your family
      • We want you to know that we are here for you if you need anything
      • Wishing you as much peace as possible during this difficult time
      • Words cannot even begin to express our sorrow
      • With deepest sympathy as you remember
      • Holding you close in my thoughts and hoping you are doing okay
      • XXX先生千古
      • 沉痛悼念
      • 逝者安息, 生者节哀顺变
      • 致以最深切的哀悼