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HM0007 Rose & Carnation Hand Bouquet


From: RM100.00

Looking for something special for someone you love for special occasion!!  This sweet bouquet of rose and carnation with antique look wrapper will make her day.


*This item is for Selangor/W.P./Seremban areas delivery ONLY.
For other areas, kindly contact us at 03-7803 3333 or 011-5698 3155 to check on the availability.




Ferrero Rocher Chocolate (T16) 200g

*For outstation order, item is subject to availability

**This is an add-on product to any flower arrangement. 

***IF JUST Add-on products are ordered, We WILL NOT process your order.


Ferrero Rocher Chocolate (T24) 300g (24 Pcs / Box)

*For outstation order, item is subject to availability

**This is an add-on product to any flower arrangement. 

***IF JUST Add-on products are ordered, We WILL NOT process your order.

*This item is for Selangor/W.P./Seremban areas delivery ONLY.
For other areas, kindly contact us at 03-7803 3333 or 011-56983155 to check on the availability.


Fidani Belgium chocolate (affection) 9pc (120g)


**This is an add-on product to any flower arrangement. 

***IF JUST Add-on products are ordered, We WILL NOT process your order.

*This item is for Selangor/W.P./Seremban areas delivery ONLY.
For other areas, kindly contact us at 03-7803 3333 or 011-56983155 to check on the availability.


Fidani Supreme Belgium Chocolate. 210g.


**This is an add-on product to any flower arrangement. 

***IF JUST Add-on products are ordered, We WILL NOT process your order.

*This item is for Selangor/W.P./Seremban areas delivery ONLY.
For other areas, kindly contact us at 03-7803 3333 or 011-56983155 to check on the availability.


Fidani Fine Chocolate -24pc Belgium Chocolate in a box. 310g.

Premium hand made chocolates filled with assorted ganache and creams.


**This is an add-on product to any flower arrangement. 

***IF JUST Add-on products are ordered, We WILL NOT process your order.

*This item is for Selangor/W.P./Seremban areas delivery ONLY.
For other areas, kindly contact us at 03-7803 3333 or 011-56983155 to check on the availability.

CD001 Choc moist

Chocolate Moist Cake (+/- 1/2 Kg)

For party, birthdays, anniversary, celebrations

*This item is not available on 13th to 14th Feb and Mother's day (2nd Sat & Sun on May).  Kindly call us if you need special arrangement.
   *This item is for Selangor/W.P./Seremban areas delivery ONLY.
    For other areas, kindly contact us at 03-7803 3333 or 011-56983155 to check on the availability.

BAL909 Happy Birthday Balloon

Happy birthday balloon.   9" diameter.

Random design, based on availability

**This is an add-on product to any flower arrangement. 

***IF JUST Add-on products are ordered, We WILL NOT process your order.

*For outstation order, item is subject to availability

CHA001 Alfredo Almond Milk Chocolate

Alfredo Almond Milk Chocolate.  180g


**This is an add-on product to any flower arrangement. 

***IF JUST Add-on products are ordered, We WILL NOT process your order.

*This item is for Selangor/W.P./Seremban areas delivery ONLY.
For other areas, kindly contact us at 03-7803 3333 or 011-56983155 to check on the availability.

Out of stock

CHA002 Milk & Dark Chocolate

Alfredo milk & dark chocolate 110g


**This is an add-on product to any flower arrangement. 

***IF JUST Add-on products are ordered, We WILL NOT process your order.

*This item is for Selangor/W.P./Seremban areas delivery ONLY.
For other areas, kindly contact us at 03-7803 3333 or 011-56983155 to check on the availability.

Out of stock

Love LED Light

Love Led light.   25cm (H) x 10cm (W)

*This item is for Selangor/W.P./Seremban areas delivery ONLY.
For other areas, kindly contact us at 03-7803 3333 or 011-56983155 to check on the availability.


HM0007 Rose & Carnation Hand Bouquet

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